There are times in your life when you look back at moments and just feel like you are there again. I know that the day my dad got married will be one of those kind of moments. My dad has been single for over 25 years, waiting on who God would provide as his wife. On August 1st, 2009, my dad became a husband and I gained a step mom! I don't think I have ever seen my dad look so happy! Here are just a couple photos I took at the wedding. Please enjoy!
So I am a little late on blogging this one because of my trip to Indiana. But Callie turned 10 months! We decided that we should hit the zoo to play in some water and smell (or eat) the flowers. We are just a couple weeks shy of having her 1st birthday and one year session at the beach. I got word from her daddy that she is walking now with no help!
Genny is a young, beautiful, talented girl who I met through a friend. She is going to school for sport's photography herself, but in the meantime, would like to have some experience in modeling. We hooked up to do some headshots a couple nights ago. Boy did she blow me away! She was a natural! When I placed the make up on her eyes, it was as if they came to life! I know when the time comes, Genny will have no problem finding work. Look for her again soon, because we are trying to plan a beach/swim suit session too! Here are a few samples from the session. It was so hard to choose what to post in my blog because they were all soooooo good!