This spring break, we decided, that we would allow our children to pick a day to spend with one of us (my husband or myself). My oldest son, Rylan, picked to spend his day with me. Rylan will be 11-years-old in October and is a 4th grader. He's growing like a weed, reaching my shoulder. He has a super gentle spirit and loves to be creative and artistic. I could see him having a piece of artwork hanging in a gallery somewhere one day. He constantly picks up trash, which he kindly tells me that it's something he wants to turn into his own creation. He is at that age where he wants to know why things happen and questions everything, but not to be defiant, instead it's because he wants to understand.
We started our day at a pottery painting facility, "Doing Dishes" on San Jose Blvd. They were so sweet and very helpful! Rylan is into anything that has to do with aviation. He tells me that he wants to go into the Air Force and I tell him, "Over my dead body!" He had his heart set on painting a plane before we ever left the house, but when we got there, we couldn't find one. He settled for a speed boat and began painting. The people who run the facility came by and gave him compliments on his boat. He noted that he really wanted to paint a plane. She went to the back and brought him out a plane. Dude was stoked! So he ended up painting two pieces instead of one.
Rylan has wanted to try snow crab legs as long as he has been old enough to read a Red Lobster menu. The day has finally come! Since neither of us had ever had these before, the waitress kindly taught us how to use the tools. As she tackled the first snow crab leg with a "snap-crackle-pop", Rylan just about fainted. He shuttered and said he was about to be sick. See, Rylan has trouble killing a fly, or eating a chicken wing. I don't know if it's just that he has a light stomach or couldn't imagine an animal being hurt, either way, he didn't eat but about two bites. He said it still looked like an animal and he just couldn't do it. I cracked up!
I enjoyed my day with Rylan, not just because I was able to go and do some things I love too, but because I feel like I am preparing him for the future. See, to me, days like this prepare him for what his life will be like with a future date, girlfriend, friend, or wife. The Lord gives us our children to teach them His way and His path for their lives. I know that my husband and I are here in our children's lives to show them how to love their future spouses by loving each other first. One day Rylan will make a good husband and father; I just know it!
Rylan was so adorable. Before we even left the drive way, he said that he was nervous. It was like he was going on his first date!
These pics are taken with my iphone.