Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Locks of Love for Laura


Just a little over two years ago I met one of the most amazing women I have ever had the privilege to know. Out of the blue one day, I received a private Facebook message from Laura. She explained to me that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was going to be having a double mastectomy surgery and wanted to know if I would be willing to take family pictures for her before the big day. I felt completely honored because I knew I was going to be able to give this gift to her that would allow her to hang on to for a lifetime. We met at sunrise at Jacksonville Beach Pier. God blessed us with an absolutely beautiful day! It was perfect! Little did I know that this day was going to be the beginning of an enormous friendship.

Time has gone by and Laura has faced many challenges; both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. During this time, our friendship has grown into something much more.

We are family.


When I think of Laura I am immediately reminded of all the amazing things that we have done together in the short two years I have known her. I documented and watched her run in the 26.2 Run with Donna a breast cancer marathon. I walked beside her for the Making Strides walk in 2011. I photographed her strutting her stuff on the stage for the Pink Carpet Fashion Event at the Florida Theatre. Being her friend has reminded me to never take life for granted. I feel so blessed to be healthy. If God decided to take me tomorrow, I only pray that my heart is ready and that I have served and honored Him enough with the life He has given me. But just watching all that she has gone through just makes my heart break.

With Laura we have subliminal messages and things that only the two of us could possibly understand. Just like sisters would. Things like texting the words "I'm fine" or Wicked's "Elphaba and Glinda" and chocolate covered cake doughnuts with chocolate icing fresh from Dunkin Doughnuts or her obsession with Starbucks versus mine with Mountain Dew....OH and I can't forget "Nipples" and laughing so hard we puked at The Capital Grill! My world has been completely changed because I have a sister now.

About three weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to cut all my hair off for Laura. Ok, it wasn't exactly three weeks ago. I had been thinking about it long before then. I have watched Laura go through several rounds of chemo and radiation and have watched her lose her hair twice. I joked with her on many occasions that I was just going to buzz mine all off so she wouldn't feel alone. She would laugh at me and tell me that she didn't think I had the guts to do it. (She thinks she knows me so well! Hahaha!)

I prayed about it a lot and talked to my husband. If he didn't support it then that would be the end of the story, but he was the complete opposite. He said to me, "I think if this can be one act of love to show her just how much you care about her, than I say do it." Laura had a major surgery coming up on that Thursday, and because of the state of her illness, I felt like I wanted to act fast and do it before that surgery. So we totally planned it and we did it! On this day, three weeks ago, I had over 10 inches of hair flowing from my head and today it's roughly 1/8th of an inch. I asked one of my really good friends, Caroline Momberg, who is also a photographer, to come and document the sheering with pictures. The photographs in the video included in this blog are taken by her and edited by me. The song that the video is set to is called "Angel by your side" by Francesca Battistellli. The first time we heard this song was live at Winter Jam 2011. Both of us balled our eyes out and said this song reminded us of our friendship. (I included the lyrics here too)

I think Laura could have thrown up during the whole process! Her words were "Your nuts!" over and over again! We put my hair into about 10 pony tails because it's so thick. She made me cut the first one because she was too chicken. Then from there, she started snipping away. Stage one was complete in about 30 seconds. She was so fast that Caroline could hardly keep up with her. Stage two was buzzing the nasty stragglers and crazy frohawk. That was a little more difficult because my hair had a mind of its own. She did the best she could with the 4 guard. Later on I had to visit my hair dresser to correct some of the crazy insane issues and funky cowlicks.

I get asked all the time if I regret cutting it all off? My reply is NO WAY!!! If by doing this, Laura can see and know how much I love her and how much I support her and that she knows that she is not alone....then I would do it again in a heart beat. I could go on and on about the conversations I had with my children the night before we buzzed it all off and how they all reacted that day when they came home. Simply put, I think they learned a lesson about love and loving others the way Jesus intended on us to. My hair cut is also a reminder to myself to pray for Laura. Every time someone asks me or comments or says something, I am reminded of her and then I simply start praying.

Laura and I's friendship was brought together because of surgery and here I am today waiting to hear news if my best friend has made it through yet another surgery. I will share with you that the days before surgery are a rush. We try to get everything done that possibly can be and cram in as much fun in with our kids as it will allow. The night before surgery consists of late night texting and constant prayer because we never know if she is going to make it through the next day. The day of surgery is like torture on my soul...I sit at home and wait patiently on a text message that lets me know she has made it through. Makes my whole day numbing and pointless. But the moment that I know she is ok....my heart sighs gently and I can breathe again until the next surgery date. That's when I begin to pray...."Thank you Jesus for saving my friend again! Thank you for giving her back to her children and husband. Thank you for allowing us more days to laugh together and make more crazy memories. Please Lord, heal her body and give her the strength to push on."

Friendships are like marriages. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. Till death do us part.


Lyrics to Angel By Your Side:

I can't say that everything's okay
cause I can see the tears you're crying.
and I can't promise to take the pain away
but you can know that I won't stop trying.

I'll be the angel by your side
I will get you through the night
I'll be the strength you can't provide on your own
"Cause when you're down and out of time
And you think you've lost the fight
Let me be the angel, the angel by your side.

I know it feels like you are running out of faith
Cause it's so hard to keep believing
But if I can bring a smile back to your face
For a moment you will forget all about it

I'll be the angel by your side
I will get you through the night
I'll be the strength you can't provide on your own
"Cause when you're down and out of time
And you think you've lost the fight
Let me be the angel, the angel by your side.

Cause this won't be the last time
You'll need a little hope
But I want to be the first to let you know

I'll be the angel by your side
I will get you through the night
I'll be the strength you can't provide on your own
"Cause when you're down and out of time
And you think you've lost the fight
Let me be the angel, the angel by your side.

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