When Stephanie told me her incredible story, my heart ached for her. I met her two months after I had just lost my unborn child and she had just had her first child. She explained to me that prior to having her son, she had lost a child as well. The pregnancy resulted in damaging the whole right side of her reproductive area. The doctor explained that she may never have children at all and if she did, it would be a miracle if she or the baby made it past 6 or 7 months.
She soon found out she was having her first son. She was only able to carry him until 7 1/2 months. Her placenta had been detached from the lining walls and she had begun to hemorrhage. Via emergency c-section, he arrived weighing just under 4 pounds. He was a miracle.
The doctor advised her to not have any more children. It could threaten her own life and the baby as well. Once finding out she was pregnant with her second child, she was faced with a horrific decision of whether or not to have the child. This pregnancy brought even more challenges: gestational diabetes, work, full time school, and the demands of a toddler.
She and the baby were seen by the doctor on Friday and schedule for a c-section on Monday pending the results of her amniocentesis test. She arrived Monday morning to learn that her fluid levels were too low and she was being admitted to deliver right then.
Alida Mikell was born 5 lbs 10oz at 5:35pm. Mom and baby are doing great! She named her after a character from one of her beloved childhood books. Because of the emergency c-section, I was unable to enter the delivery room, but the hospital was gracious enough to allow me into the nursery during her bath and blood work. Dad was so proud! They now have a son and a daughter! There are photos here from her maternity session and her delivery.

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