There are times when I feel like I wished I could speed up time, kind of like that movie click. I would have a nice little remote control that would enable me to speed through things like doing laundry or the dishes. However, I would never rush through one minute of my time with any of my kids. Every time I look at my youngest daughter, Brooklyn, I feel like it was just yesterday that I was bringing my oldest son, Rylan, home. 10 years are between the two of them, and not a moment I would want to just see fly by, but it's happening whether I like it or not. God continually reminds me of how wonderful He is and how incredibly precious time is.
My daughter Brooklyn has already had many challenges in her short 3 months of life. She is still struggling with weight gaining issues and has been battling a cough and fever for the last week. But, she is smiling and laughing out loud. She coo's and just rolled over to her stomach today, all by herself. Her face lights up when you talk to her.
Here are her three month pictures! Enjoy!

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